Friday, August 26


I AM afraid. I will admit it. I am afraid of the fact that you can get up and walk away any moment you feel that this is more difficult than it should be. I am starting to get used to you in my life, and used to your many texts throughout the day. We have been friends for over a year, and now it has become something more. I am not asking you to be my boyfriend, because I am not ready for that. We have never spoken about what our relationship really is, and where you want it to lead. I will never bring that up mainly for the fact that I refuse to let you think of me as a pushy and clingy girl that I am not. But one thing that I will admit, is that I am afraid of you. I am afraid of us becoming more and having a chance of losing you. I am so used to seeing people walk away and I do not want you to be one of them. So, I will continue this relationship of the unknown, just to prevent from seeing you walk away.



  1. The photo really blended well with the text. I have been in situations like these were I am afraid of losing someone that I am just myself with

  2. Sweetheart, Love is worth the chance of falling. I was a person who was more afraid & scared & insecure than anyone, i was very stubborn for a long time. Being in love, loving someone & having someone love you equally back is the most wonderful feeling anyone could ever have on this earth, it amazing & beautiful & takes you to a whole nother level. Ive had my fair share of heart aches & they have been very messy and painful but its all worth it because it makes you stronger and when your find the one, its just so sooo unbelievable. Good luck with it all hun.

    -Mia xo
